• Question: what is the stupidest "medical" claim?

    Asked by print(random.choice[{}])( to David on 12 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: David Nunan

      David Nunan answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      Great question. There’s almost too many to chose from!

      Two I can think of that are right up there include one on a new diet fad where people inject themselves with a product that’s been made from the urine of pregnant women (no I’m not joking is?). There’s also been the one about male bodybuilders buying human breastmilk from the Internet in the belief that it will make them bigger. Needless to say the science behind these two shockingly poor and they are more likely to be causing harm.

      Also, most things from a guy called Dr Oz who is a TV doctor in America (you can Google him). He touts all sorts of lotions and potions for our health but most of them have no actual evidence and a lot of the supplements he recommends are from companies that he has Financial arrangements with. Luckily he’s actually been found out and the authorities in America have taken action against him.
