• Question: What is so interesting about radiation detection?

    Asked by EvilMadScientist to Kate, David, Eva, Nicholas, Rachel on 18 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by poppymaileysayzhi.
    • Photo: Nicholas Pearce

      Nicholas Pearce answered on 18 Nov 2015:


      There is a lot we can learn from detecting different types of radiation.
      There’s radiation from space that tells us what stars and planets and other objects in space like quasars are made out of.
      Detecting radiation can even tell us if a secret nuclear bomb has been tested – check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daZ7IQFqPyA

    • Photo: Kate Wright

      Kate Wright answered on 13 Dec 2015:

      Hi EvilMadScientist,

      For me, detecting radiation is interesting because it lets you figure out where the radioactive stuff the radiation is coming from is, so that you can deal with it properly. There are all kinds of clever ways we do this and I find learning about it really interesting. There are a few different kinds of radiation and kinds of detectors so there’s a lot to learn.

