• Question: what happens to the human body while your sleeping

    Asked by Jodie Spencer to David, Eva, Kate, Nicholas, Rachel on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Rachel McMullan

      Rachel McMullan answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Hi Jodie
      Lots is going on while you’re asleep. Your body is repairing and growing and while your asleep many of the tissues in your body are being renewed.
      Your brain in also processing all the information from your day, deciding what information to keep as memories and emotions. This might be why we dream.

    • Photo: David Nunan

      David Nunan answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      Hey Jodie,

      The body and brain use the time you are asleep to repair and renew cells and tissues that keep all the bits of you working properly. It’s also time when your metabolism slows down so that more energy can be put into helping with this process.
      Your brain will also be processing all the information from your day – like all the things you learn’t in school ;-)!

    • Photo: Nicholas Pearce

      Nicholas Pearce answered on 17 Nov 2015:


      A lot of stuff goes on, but I’ll try and give you a short answer:
      Stage 1: After you lay down you start to feel relaxed and may even begin to have little daydreams, but you are still awake at this point.
      Stage 2: Your brain will then check and see if you’re sleeping, which is why you’ll feel the need to roll over or move a bit if you’re still awake – you’re telling your brain that you’re still awake. If you aren’t awake though, your brain will send a signal that stops movement and paralyses you for the night.
      Stage 3: Then your heart beat will slow down and your body temperature will drop.
      Stage 4: Your brain waves also slow down and become delta waves.
      REM Stage: Then you can have some REM sleep (rapid eye movement) and your eyes actually move behind your closed eyes. Your breathing can even speed up and you’ll have dreams.
      The stages can cycle between stage 2 and REM several times before you wake up.
