• Question: is there an easy way to remember the periodic table ?

    Asked by Ahmed #21 to David, Eva, Kate, Nicholas, Rachel on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: David Nunan

      David Nunan answered on 13 Nov 2015:


      There are some songs like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cqauZq4uYM
      But I certainly wouldn’t be able to remember them all. I think its more important to understand what the numbers next to each element mean and how different elements can interact with one another.

    • Photo: Nicholas Pearce

      Nicholas Pearce answered on 14 Nov 2015:


      I don’t think there is an easy way – there’s too much of it to be summed up in a phrase (like with the colours of the rainbow). I think just learn a little bit gradually, eventually you will realise that you know quite a lot of it.
      Playing this game also helps to learn them though: http://www.sporcle.com/games/g/elements
