• Question: In what ways do you celebrate when things work properly?

    Asked by LunarWarrior325 to Nicholas, David, Eva, Kate, Rachel on 12 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by poppymaileysayzhi, EvilMadScientist.
    • Photo: Rachel McMullan

      Rachel McMullan answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      When we’re really successful and our work is published we always celebrate with a bottle of champagne. I keep the old bottles in my office so when things aren’t working I can remind myself that it will work in the end!!
      If its a smaller success we usually have cake

    • Photo: Nicholas Pearce

      Nicholas Pearce answered on 14 Nov 2015:


      It depends on how important the good result was:
      Sometimes just with a handshake or a high-five.
      Sometimes I’ll dance around for a bit.
      And once I did a victory lap of the lab 🙂

    • Photo: David Nunan

      David Nunan answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      If we do something really well then we will celebrate with champagne and cake (we have someone in our group who makes great cake! She even makes cakes about our work – you can see here: http://www.cebm.net/evidence-based-medicine-baking/)

      At the end of the year we have a mini awards ceremony down the pub where we celebrate all our successes from the past year 🙂
