• Question: how was the world made

    Asked by Jodie Spencer to Eva on 10 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Eva Weiss

      Eva Weiss answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      Well, the answer depends on your view of religion. From a scientific point of view, it all began with the Big Bang. Since our universe can be observed to be ever expanding, the theory is that is all started from one point, a big explosion. Around then the first elements, hydroden and helium, were made. The other elements were made during the birth, life and death of stars. It’s very complex reactions that took place then. Our planet Earth like other planets was made from dust that came together. In the beginning the planet and other cosmic bodies collided a lot and one of those collisions is thought to have broken off what is now our moon. With time Earth cooled down and the surface became solid and liquid water was possible. From there there are different theories on how life came to be. I hope that answers your question.
