• Question: How do you believe was the universe created?

    Asked by Kester_is_da_best to David, Eva, Kate, Nicholas, Rachel on 10 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Eva Weiss

      Eva Weiss answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      I believe it started with the Big Bang

    • Photo: Nicholas Pearce

      Nicholas Pearce answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      Hey Kester,

      I like the big bang theory. I think it’s the theory that scientists have the most evidence for – lots of predictions from the theory have been observed by scientists on earth, which I think makes it sound correct.
      One brilliant fact is that scientists predicted that the big bang would have an echo and what it would look like. Meanwhile scientists elsewhere had already found the echo, but didn’t know whatit was. Eventually the two groups put their work together and the big bang theory gained a lot of support.
      This is what they saw:
      Here are some great short videos that might explain more, enjoy:
