• Question: Hi again, my mum has a very stressful job is there any tips you can give me so i can tell her

    Asked by YouthfulAtom807 to Rachel on 8 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Rachel McMullan

      Rachel McMullan answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      Thanks for your questions.
      Unfortunately we still don’t know enough about the links between stress and getting sick. Hopefully my research will help with this!! At the moment the best advice is to avoid stress or the microbes that make you ill. Most people find it quite difficult to avoid stress, especially if their job is stressful but there are lots of really simple ways to protect yourself from microbes like washing your hands and using tissues etc.
      Stress is becoming a really big problem in our society so questions like this are becoming more and more important. Unfortunately we don’t have that many scientific answers yet! Sorry!!
