• Question: Do you like the internet or do you think that there is too much information there which is confusing?

    Asked by OkayOkay to Rachel, Nicholas, David on 11 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Rachel McMullan

      Rachel McMullan answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      The internet is absolutely fabulous but there is so much information and it’s hard to know what to trust. That’s why everyone needs to be better informed about science so when they find things online they can decide for themselves whether it’s trustworthy.

    • Photo: Nicholas Pearce

      Nicholas Pearce answered on 12 Nov 2015:


      The internet is really useful – it might be the best invention of the 20th century. Because the internet is so big though, there is a lot of information that doesn’t always agree with each other, so finding the correct answer to something isn’t always easy. That’s why you have to be very careful about which websites you trust for information so sometimes books are more useful.

    • Photo: David Nunan

      David Nunan answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      Good question OkayOkay?

      I do like the internet but it’s a bit of a double edged sword! On the one hand it’s great for communication between people and for enhancing the knowledge of our society as whole. But on the other hand it can be used for a lot of negative things and I also think people can become a bit addicted to it (I definitely spend too much time on it!)

      And because now we can all use it to post our opinion and information, you do get a lot of confusing information. This is definitely the case for the science i do. There are always loads of stories about our health that are contradictory. Here’s a slide of what I mean:

      Dealing with all this is tricky. But there are a few tricks you can learn to help you tell if a website is reliable, check them out here: https://infogr.am/5-criteria-for-a-trustworthy-website
